It is our aim to equip the younger generation for the work of the ministry and to encourage them to explore and operate in the fullness of their gifts and calling in the Kingdom. We believe God’s desire is for all generations to work together bringing Glory to His Kingdom on this earth. We teach and bring our younger generation to the point where they genuinely accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and to help them to develop their walk with God.
Mission Statement
We teach the word in simplicity and understanding and fun way. We use various means to teach and instruct the children using visual aids, role play and games to convey the gospel message in a clear, uncompromising manner. It is our desire that by the time the children are old enough to leave Children’s Church they are ready to play an active role in main church.
Kidz Zone
The children we teach are aged between 1 to 10 years
Teen Zone
11+ years
Service Time
During Sunday Service at 10:30AM. The main emphasis being on God’s word. For the most part, Children’s Church applies the same format as the main church service.
All staff members are trained in prayer and presentation of Biblical Learning Materials for children. Each member is responsible and committed with a hands-on approach to help children develop a healthy positive attitude toward God and church.
If you would like more info contact Mary Ashong or Stephanie Okonkwo on 01843 265001