Worship Ministries
Our aim is simply to Lift Up the name of Jesus.
To revere the very presence of God in worship. Nothing and no one matter; Jesus is the centre of our world. We derive our praise and worship techniques from scriptural principles. These are not built upon myth or legend but rather on the solid foundation of the Word of God. Our goal is the manifest presence of God and the unity of His people. (2 Chronicles 5:13-14) In God’s presence miracles occur, yokes are broken, and healings take place.
Our worship is a gift to God and when we offer a gift to the Lord it should be about what we can give to Him not what He can give to us.
Tech Ministries
Crossfire Tech Ministries includes a wide variety of different fields. It includes our computer, networking, data entry, website development and aspects of our sound and podcast ministry.
If you would like more info contact Melissa on 07825 428813