Local Missions

Musical Instrument Training Program

We are currently undertaking a project with the youth of the church, in which they are being sponsored to be taught to play musical instruments. There are currently 10 on the programme, aged from 9-20 years, learning guitar, keyboard, drums and alto sax.

Musical instruments are supplied which are lent to the youth (with headphone!) for them to learn at home. They also have weekly teaching sessions. Their teachers are pleased with their enthusiasm and commitment.

With more funds, more youth in the church and community could be taught to play. The parents contribute where they are able and church members are engaged in regular giving.

All contributions will be welcome and well used.

Community Fun Day Project

The church runs an annual Fun Day in the summer to bless the local community with free activities for children, such as a bouncy castle, face painting and hair plaiting. A free barbecue is also provided with hotdogs and burgers.

Flyers are given to all local schools and the event is well attended by local resident families, and an invitation is given to join in church activities.

All contributions to this event will be appreciated and will be a blessing to many.


An assisted living facility, ‘Copperfield’s’, has been opened near to where GCC meet on Sundays. This is a facility conspiring of 49 flats for either single persons or couples. The church is seeking to help the residents in whatever way they can. In the meantime, the church engages in friendship evangelism when ever possible.

As part of our mission project we have in the past procured items of furniture, wheelchair and items such as toiletries for the residents in Copperfield’s who need them. Some of the residents are totally blind, others visually impaired or suffering from dementia. This is an on going project and we are glad to be able to serve the local community in these ways.

Food bank

The church regularly gives food items to the local food bank for those who are, for example, homeless or in a time of a social security benefit gap.

The recipients of the food are very grateful for the help received and, it is anticipated, that, in the run up to the winter periods, there will be an inclusion of toiletries and more warm clothing (not normally collected).