Vision Statement
Our vision is to see every female develop and grow into the virtuous women God intended for us to be.
Mission Statement
We aim to raise up women who know who they are in Christ by learning who God says that they are. Our desire is for every woman in the local church and community to find where they fit in the body of Christ and to begin to function in the call and gifts that God has placed on them. We want the women to delve deeper into the Word of God and have a personal relationship with Christ like never before. It is also our desire that we as women be a strength to each other. We believe that God is calling the Women here to walk in His fullness by being women of prayer, women of the Word, and most of all friends with one another.
We intend to achieve these by:
- Growing in grace and knowledge through Radical Women’s Ministry Bible study and prayer sessions
- Encouraging women to develop in the character of Christ
- Enhancing our personal relationships with God through monthly events
- Hosting rejuvenating retreats and enlightening luncheons and get togethers.
If you are a woman of any age, there is a place in Global Crossfire Women’s Ministry for you. We would love to have you join us for a time of fellowship, the Word and don’t forget…fun.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. Proverbs 31:30
If you would like more info contact Mary Ashong on 01843 265001